Saturday, 10 March 2012

Now we are six.....

I so love Eden's Fresh Horses Brigade this week....if there was an open mic at a birthday party 'What would you say?' Words can be so powerful and for me this says it all....

As a child I was so in love with this poem by AA Milne & I still love it today, I can see myself as that small child, standing up straight telling the world that I am now 6,and I like it!

 Now We Are Six - A.A. Milne

When I was one I had just begun
When I was two I was nearly new

When I was three I was hardly me
When I was four I was not much more

When I was five I was just alive
 Now I am six I'm as clever as clever, So I think I'll be six now, forever and ever.....

I'm now 46 and that poem still bring me joy, I think I'll be 46 now for ever and ever!

Lisa xxx


  1. I loved that poem as a child too, Lisa. In fact, guess what I read out at both my older-than-six children's birthday parties. There's my 'open mic'! x

  2. I quote Milne all the time, he's a genius.

  3. I remember a paperback copy of that book sitting on the desk in our cubby.

    I have just bought another A.A. Milne quote for my youngest son. By the very famous Pooh Bear.

  4. It's a wonderful poem. I had totally forgotten about it until reading it here again today!

  5. I love this! Going to write this one down for my kid, I think he will like it too.

  6. What a great choice. My youngest is six and she really just grabs the world by the horns. Everything is new and wonderful and open. Yes, we all should stay six years old in our hearts.

  7. This was a favourite of mine when I was a child too. It's a classic! Yep, still brings me joy too. Lovely to be reminded of it. :)

  8. Oh, I loved this when I was a child and I adore it now. Haven't thought of it for ages! Thank you so much. XXX

  9. How could this poem not bring you joy, it is amazing! Sometimes the little things can bring you the most joy!

  10. I remember that poem , and my little boys turn six on July 1st. I shall teach them this.
    Ps I am 46 a week after them.
